How to play

  • Before entering the establishment each player must randomly select a card.
  • Do not show your card to the other players.
  • Before leaving the venue, players should perform their challenge (the idea is to act as natural as possible and see how long you can get away with it until someone calls you out.)
  • If a player is unwilling to complete their challenge, it’s suggested that the loser buys the NEXT ROUND (get it…?) Players should determine beforehand if they intend to enforce the rules of if they prefer to play and alternative version of the game. It’s up to you, you paid for it. 

Suggested Variations of Play:

·       You may choose to keep score by tallying up completed cards at the end of the game. The declared winner should receive applause, a pat on the back, or a well-deserved thumbs up! In the event of a tie, figure it out amongst yourselves. We’re all adults, here.

·       Keep score or don’t. I’m not your momma.

·       Instead of purchasing the NEXT ROUND of drinks, losers may volunteer to purchase an appetizer or dessert for the table. ( less fun but yay carbs! )

·       If your server seems at least mildly amused, they may want to get in on the fun. Have them select & assign new cards for each player to complete at your next stop. Otherwise, everyone randomly draws new cards & continues the game at the next location.


·       If you’re only going to one location, players can draw a predetermined number of cards – you decide! Do you want everyone to perform just a single challenge? Maybe everyone picks multiple cards & the person who completes the most challenges wins!


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